We create tailor-made systems for paper production and its components. Each system is designed with the objective of optimizing energy consumption, reduce heat loss and waste during drying phase. We provide complete supply, including Air System and Steam & Condensate components
We design closed-circuit steam systems , reuse the condensates in the process to improve the environmental impact.
Our hoods are designed to increase the drying capacity. In the drying section, the ratio between the water removal capacity from the sheet and the humidity in the exhaust air must be optimized.
Our sheet stabilization and transfer units guarantee stability in the transition of the sheet, avoiding paper break and making the final product more uniform.
In each project, we consider the specific requirements of each customer in terms of mechanical application, process, reliability and production. Our goal is to create tailor-made projects that lower specific energy consumption so to reduce its impact on production costs.
Via dello Stadio trav. I, 56
55100 – Lucca – Italy
P. IVA/C.F. 02583810466
Via dello Stadio trav. I, 56
55100 – Lucca – Italy
P. IVA/C.F. 02583810466